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The Second Hometown(2021)

The Second Hometown is a project about self-identity exploration. I have always had this doubt--how do people determine their hometown? I can't judge my true hometown. The place where I was born and the place where I grew up are different. And my living habits are complicated and difficult to distinguish. The ambiguity in identity gradually emerged as I grew up.

Rohini Malik and Gavin Gentiles put forward a conventional definition of ambiguity: “a state achieved by creatively integrating and borrowing ideas, language, and practical models.” The fluidity and ambiguity of identity in me prompted me to create this project. So I made use of the combination of various objects related to me and my body, and tried to use them to confirm my identity. Through photography, behavior, installation and other practices, I stated my identification with the.ambiguity of my identify.

Socially-given identity.jpg
Internalized object.jpg
Childhood memories.jpg
Family will.jpg
My will.jpg

Stick, Vedio, 5:06, 2021

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